Meditation Circles & Retreats

We Are all embodiments of the supreme intelligence and Infinite love. We are all designed to awaken and evolve into the true divine identity
Jean has been creating and leading retreats for over 30 years. The most constant theme has been to enter into silence and inner solitude, opening into a deeper awareness within oneself. Alongside the yearly offerings of retreats, has been the ongoing weekly meditation circles, held steadily for most of those 30 years up until the pandemic, and now less steadily due to her travels.
Often Jean is asked: “What kind of meditation do you teach?” – her answer is there is no name or title, no lineage or form that she can rightly attach to this. She leads by being in the meditation herself, and often being led by the guidance or presence accessed by meditation. She enters into the meditative state with the purpose of guiding those who are sitting with her, as well as the personal purpose of immersing herself into soul presence. We all experience a merging of sorts, and we all create a higher state of meditation together.
The Meditation
Generally I begin by leading us in verbally, then we hold a period of silence up to 20 minutes. I then enter in and speak to lead us into a deepening and a directing of the purpose of the meditation and we again sit in silence for 20-40 minutes, after which I lead us into a surfacing of breath and the chanting of mantra. The purpose or theme may be visualizing to a higher plane of being, or a metta practice, or a prayer/healing focus. Meditation is a living dynamic shared journey and it is never the same twice.
Jean Christian
Attunement Meditation
FALL 2024:
October 29th – December 17th, 2024
Tuesdays: 7:00pm
Wednesdays: 10:30am
SPRING 2025:
March 18th – May 7th, 2025
Tuesdays: 7:00pm
Wednesday 10:30am
This is not a drop in circle, please register with Jean by email or text to join. Attunement Meditation is a progressive circle of learning inner skills of consciousness for the purposes of healing and spiritual consciousness. There is no fee, only a donation bowl as for all sessions Jean offers.
To register and for more information, please contact Jean:
call/text 250.876.8373
About Attunement Meditation
Attunement Meditation arose from Jean’s own path of developing inner consciousness through meditation. The same focus and listening that she then applied to those coming to her for guidance. ‘Guidance’ is her somewhat nebulous term for a higher state of inner union with a dynamic living stream of wisdom and knowledge, that is the ultimate purpose for the attunement practice.
Through this relationship with a higher, finer plane of being within, we may all receive the knowledge and guidance we need to meet our present life conditions.
Jean believes we are all designed to evolve into a more awakened, conscious capacity, which entails the dispelling of ‘blocks’, patterns of belief that limit us, and residual ongoing trauma responses; in short, liberating ourselves of these unconscious bondages and freeing ourselves into a truer autonomy of identity.
She calls this meditation the hard work circle, yet has witnessed the results of the practice as truly a powerful liberating tool that each person has found within. The process is to use meditation as a preparatory entry, moving the focus into a deeper place of awareness to begin.
Start in peace, end in peace.
She then leads the stages of focus to find the obstacle, or area needing attention; listening into it fully, enjoining with it, and allowing its depth and cause to be found. Then we shift into a centered release, a letting go, and just sit in simple presence. The next phase is to lift the meditation into the finer, higher realm of the soul – beyond the mind and emotional dominance. From here, we bring the enjoined experience from ‘below’, asking for guidance, vision revelation, and resolve. The practice ends in an extended Aum or toning session, followed by journalling or a sharing circle. Participants are asked to commit to a 6-week series, to build trust and comfort in the group.
Periodically the group concludes with a 3 day silent meditation retreat.
The Retreats
The retreats are held in silence. Jean and the yoga instructor only speak to lead the sessions of meditation, information sharing, and yoga practice. There are 3 meditation sessions in a day and one yoga session led by a guest instructor. There are several periods of solitude time, designed for personal inner practice or rest and reflection. An evening Guidance Talk is given to teach and inspire, often following the themes of the retreat.
Everyone participates in the meal production in some manner, with some pre-cooking and all helping with prep and cleanup. At present, the retreats are held at Jean’s home, and in the future will be held in other locations as they were previously.
The concept is simplicity, community or sangha, affordability, and a commitment to living and learning our spiritual truths.
The retreats are from 3-5 days in duration and the fee covers accommodation, meals, and daily sessions.
House Retreats:
An intimate extraordinary experience of inner work in loving surroundings. These small weekend retreats are held at Jean’s spacious house in Smithers, BC. They are meditation based, silent retreats including; meditation sits, Yin Yoga, solitude time, guidance talks, delicious meals and overnight accommodation.
February 14th – 17th, 2025
May 16th – 19th, 2025
To register and for more information, please contact Jean:
call/text 250.876.8373
Free Online Meditation
Please be invited to listen to these guided meditations to enhance your practice.
There are several guided meditations available on the Becoming Truth podcast:
Jean Christian – Guided Meditations >>
To receive a recorded meditation to help with your home practice, contact Jean by email: You can also visit her Facebook page >>